1. Download JDK 5 for windows from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp and install the same.
2. Download Eclipse-SDK-3.2.2-win32.zip from www.download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.2.2-200702121330. This is a zip file, which has to be unzipped, and then you are done with this installation.
3. Download JBoss Application server from www.jboss.com. It will be a simple zip file, which needs to be unzipped.
4. Download latest MySQL version from www.mysql.com. The zip will contain an installation file install it. Usually set the root user name and password to be “root”.
5. Eclipse downloaded will not be configured to start JBoss. A plug in needs to be installed. The following are the steps to do it:
o Start Eclipse.
o Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install...
o Select Search for new features to install, and press Next >
o Select New Remote Site... from the right menu. In the dialog fill the name with JBoss Eclipse IDE and the URL with http://download.jboss.org/jbosside/updates/stable
o Make sure JBoss Eclipse IDE has a check next to it, and press Finish.
o Expand the JBoss Eclipse IDE tree, and check the release named JBossIDE 1.6.0(or which ever is the latest available). Click Next >, and Eclipse will ask you if you agree to the licensing terms of JBoss Eclipse IDE. If you agree, select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and press Next >
o Eclipse will show you a list of features it is going to install. Press Finish to start installation.
o After all the features have been downloaded, Eclipse will prompt if you want to install each feature. The quickest way to install everything is to press the Install All button.
o At the end of the installation, you will be prompted to restart Eclipse. Click Yes.
6. On the menu bar select Windows -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Debug. Click on OK.
7. Choose the JBoss version you have installed (currently its Jboss-4.0.x). (window -> open perspective ->
o Right click on the version chosen -> New.
o Give a generic name to your sever.
o In the Home tab, give the location of JBOSS_HOME.
o In the Source tab, choose the current project, along with the default, also add all the jars under JBOSS_HOME/bin and JBOSS_HOME/client
o In the Classpath tab under User Entries, Add External Jars – Add JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.jar
o Click on Apply and then close.
8. Choose New -> Projects -> JBossAOP->JBossAOP Project
o Enter the project name.
o Choose Java1.5
o Click on Finish.
9. Observe on the tool bar the presence of debug tool (green bug).
10. On the drop down select debug. A familiar debug window will appear. Now click on Debug.
11. Observe activity on the console window. The server in now started.
12. In the Browser http://localhost:8080/jmx-console. A jmx console should be displayed.
13. Check the project from the CVS server. The configurations in eclipse
- WIndow -> Open Perspectives -> Other -> CVS repositories
- host : [host ip address]
- location : [ cvs root location ]
- use extssh
- type in your server username and password. Click next
- If every thing goes well you will be asked to type in the project name to be checked out or browser through the repository (Other wise please check the log file for the error message located in YOUR_WORKSPACE/.metadata directory). Choose any one.
More information can be found at http://www.fsl.cs.sunysb.edu/~dquigley/cse219/index.php?it=eclipse&tt=cvs
14. A Tutorial of building and deploying a J2EE application can be found here.
Trouble Shooting:
1. If trouble is encountered while launching the debug probably a launcher ui is missing which can be downloaded from http://www.jira.jboss.com/jira/secure/attachment/12311850/org-jboss-ide-eclipse-launcher-ui.jar.
2. It would be better to download hibernate-tools plugin direct from the hibernate site, because some important might not be downloaded from eclipse. ( I have experienced the same problem). The downloaded zip file will contain two directories namely features and plugins. COPY THE CONTENTS OF THESE DIRECTORIES INTO $ECLIPSE_HOME/features and $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins